bokeh photography of five lighted votive candles

There has never been a more opportune moment to break free from societal norms, challenge the status quo, and step into your true power. The importance of making self-supportive decisions – especially for women – has never been greater. Every choice you make, whether large or small, can move you closer to the life you envision or keep you anchored in doubt and hesitation.

As women, we must focus on and develop a mindset that lifts us up and empowers us to navigate life’s challenges confidently. Self-support starts with inner work—honoring your intuition, investing in your growth, establishing clear boundaries, celebrating your wins, and embracing life’s lessons. Let’s explore these empowering strategies that will guide you to live boldly and authentically.

Decide to Trust Your Intuition

Intuition is one of your greatest gifts – and yes, as a woman, this gift is often especially strong. Think of it as an internal compass that helps steer you toward authentic decisions that honor who you are and where you want to go. When you begin to trust this inner voice, you’ll find a deeper sense of confidence in your decision-making, even when faced with uncertainty or risk.

Whether you’re contemplating a career change, working on deepening a relationship, or finding new paths of self-expression, trusting your intuition is an act of self-support that aligns you with your highest values and goals. But to fully embrace your intuition, you first need to know which direction it’s guiding you toward. That means getting clear on your values, passions, and life vision. Once you understand your “true north,” your intuition will become a reliable guide that helps you make choices in alignment with who you truly are.

Decide to Invest in Yourself: The Greatest Investment You’ll Ever Make

Self-supportive choices start from within, and they begin with investing in yourself. Empowering yourself to make supportive decisions is an ongoing journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Whether you’re looking to enhance your career, elevate your personal development, or deepen your relationships, self-investment is an essential foundation for growth.

Take every chance to expand your knowledge, skills, and self-awareness. Enroll in workshops or online courses that align with your passions and goals. Attend seminars, engage in self-reflection, read books that stretch your thinking, or find a mentor who inspires and challenges you to grow. The beauty of self-investment is that it can take many forms – hands-on practice, journaling, meditation, and connection with others. Remember, you are the most valuable investment you’ll ever make, and the return on this investment has the power to transform every aspect of your life.

Decide to Establish & Maintain Boundaries: A Radical Act of Self-Care

Setting and maintaining boundaries is a profound act of self-respect and care. It means protecting your emotional health, time, and energy and saying “no” to what does not serve your well-being. Women are often socialized to be nurturing, supportive, and giving, which can lead to feeling pressured to say “yes” to everyone and everything. But boundary-setting is not selfishness – it’s about self-preservation and self-love.

When you clearly define your boundaries, you’re affirming your core values, dreams, and needs. You’re teaching others how to treat you, and fostering healthier, more respectful relationships. Boundaries are your way of saying, “This is what I need to thrive.” By making these self-supportive decisions, you cultivate the inner strength to prioritize what matters most, making room for what aligns with your true self.

Decide to Celebrate Every Win: Acknowledge Effort and Achievement

Celebration is a powerful tool for self-support and confidence-building. Women often fall into the habit of downplaying their achievements, falling prey to imposter syndrome, or attributing their success to luck or external factors. It’s time to shift this mindset – your hard work, decisions, and dedication brought you to where you are, and every win, big or small, deserves acknowledgment.

Celebrating your achievements, even the small steps toward progress, is not about boasting; it’s about building momentum, self-belief, and joy. Each success, no matter how minor it may seem, is a step toward your larger goals. And don’t forget to celebrate the effort as much as the outcome – every time you show up, push forward, and overcome obstacles, you’re making progress worth celebrating. Allow yourself to bask in your victories and let that positive energy propel you forward.

Decide to Embrace your Lessons: Failure as a Catalyst for Growth

Failure is not a permanent state nor a sign of weakness – it is an inevitable part of the human journey, and often, it’s our greatest teacher. As you work towards your dreams, you’re bound to encounter setbacks, disappointments, and rejections. These challenges are not reflections of your worth but opportunities for growth and learning.

The most empowering way to handle setbacks is to see them as opportunities for improvement, refinement, and redirection. A disappointment can lead you to rethink your approach; a rejection can push you to refine your goals; an obstacle can inspire creative problem-solving. Life’s bumps are full of valuable lessons, and the more you embrace them as part of your self-supportive journey, the more resilient and resourceful you’ll become.

Final Thoughts: Empower Your Journey with Self-Support

When you make decisions rooted in self-support, you’re empowering yourself to live with confidence, authenticity, and strength. By trusting your intuition, investing in your growth, establishing clear boundaries, celebrating your wins, and embracing life’s lessons, you build a foundation for a life that reflects your deepest values and aspirations.

You have the power to create the life you envision – one decision at a time. Every self-supportive choice becomes a stepping stone toward the future you desire, and each step is a testament to your courage, resilience, and self-love. It starts with you, and it starts now.

Enhance Your Self-Development Journey with our SoulScript Chronicles Monthly Membership!

Listen to a brief audio excerpt, explore this week’s topic, and get inspired with two powerful journal posts and affirmations to empower your mindset.

Sample Journal Prompts

Prompt 1: What would living a self-supportive life look like for me, and what steps can I take to start creating that life today?

Prompt 2: How can I show myself more grace and compassion when things don’t go as planned?

Sample Affirmations

  • I commit to celebrating every achievement, knowing that my efforts are worthy of recognition
  • I see setbacks as opportunities for growth and welcome the lessons they bring to my journey.

For full access to our comprehensive weekly audio guides, additional journal prompts, and powerful affirmations, join SoulScript Chronicles today!

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About the Author Dianne M Daniels

Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, and currently residing in Norwich, Connecticut, Dianne M. Daniels' mission is to empower women 50+ to Amplify their Self-Confidence, Deepen their Self-Knowledge, Inspire Creativity, and Glide into the next phase of their lives with the Power of Journaling, Affirmations, and Assessments.

You can learn how to use these time-tested, proven practices to create and manifest the life you want (and deserve) to live.

Dianne is an ordained Unitarian Universalist Minister with a Master of Divinity degree from Starr King School for the Ministry. She's an avid reader, a lover of old houses (she renovated an 1850s vintage Greek Revival home with her family) and has been journaling since the age of 9.

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