Breathing deeply helps me release tension.
When I breathe in fresh air, I envision strength entering my body. Peace travels through me, filling up my lungs. Serenity reigns in my body and my thoughts.
With every breath I exhale, I envision tension dissolving. Any circumstances that seem insurmountable become like sand in my hands when I focus on taking slow, deep breaths. I blow away my troubles and inhale the power to face challenges.
The deeper I breathe, the calmer I become. As air enters my brain, it enables me to think clearly. Fresh air dissipates the fog that sometimes clouds my thoughts. My ability to make informed, responsible decisions is restored when I take time to calm my emotions and clear my mind.
I focus on the rhythm of my breathing to find inner peace. I close my eyes and inhale as deeply as I can. I fill my diaphragm with air first, and then I allow my lungs to expand until my chest begins to rise. Then, I slowly release that air through my nose.
The sound of the air exiting my body is in sync with the beat of my heart, making a beautiful melody of oneness. I feel connected at a deeper level when I focus on my breathing because deep breaths are nature's stress-reliever.
Today, I choose to stay aware of my breathing patterns. I replace short, shallow breaths with long, deep ones. Each inhalation increases airflow to my brain and body. And this invites calmness into my whole self. My entire day improves when I breathe deeply.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1.How does breathing empower me against stress?
2.Why is it necessary to take slow, deep breaths using my diaphragm?
3.How do I feel when I take a break to focus on my breathing?