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Control is a complex concept, often designed to set boundaries but just as likely to confine us to expected behaviors and societal norms. While some control is necessary, it often feels more like shackles than safety. As we mature, the challenge becomes learning to define our own limits that support our personal growth and happiness, rather than adhering strictly to those imposed by others.

Recognizing External Control

Control doesn’t begin and end with family or with your “formative” years. Many find their authentic selves suppressed by the expectations of friends, partners, or societal norms. To truly live freely, it’s crucial first to acknowledge if and how the views and expectations of others are negatively affecting your personal freedom.

Signs of External Influence

  1. Adaptive Personality: If you find yourself altering your opinions, personality, or behavior depending on whose company you are in, this may be a sign that external controls are influencing your actions.

  2. Fear of Disappointment: The fear of saying no to personal commitments or stepping up at work due to fear of others’ opinions often signifies that you’re being controlled through external expectations.

  3. Suppressed Authenticity: Holding back on expressing your authentic thoughts or passions can indicate that you are suppressing your authentic self to conform to what you think others expect of you.

Strategies to Combat External Control

Recognizing that you are under the subtle (or not-so-subtle) dominance of others’ expectations is the first step towards regaining your freedom. Reflect on times where you’ve disappointed someone by defying their expectations. Sit with those feelings and evaluate whether the reactions were justifiable or simply a means to exert control over you. Understanding why you value the other persons’ opinions so highly can be enlightening and a crucial step towards emotional independence.

Building Inner Confidence

The key to freeing yourself from the influence of others is building a strong sense of inner confidence. Each person possesses unique strength and resilience; tapping into and expressing these qualities can empower you to act according to your values and needs. Start by clearly identifying what you want from life, setting the stage for decisions that align with your personal dreams and desires rather than those imposed by others.

Maintaining Your Independence

As you begin to assert your independence, be prepared for resistance from those accustomed to having influence over you. When people are used to you simply accepting their opinions and doing what THEY think is right for you, and you start speaking your own mind and following your own plan, they will push back.

Developing a thick skin is essential as you face potential backlash. Focus on controlling your own life and actions without giving in to the pressure to conform to others’ expectations.

Building Inner Confidence & a Tougher Skin

Unlocking your inner strength is essential in resisting the force of external expectations. Inner confidence is not just about feeling secure; it’s about knowing you can handle whatever decisions you make, regardless of others’ opinions. Here’s how you can start:

Reflect on Your Strengths: Regularly take time to reflect on your achievements and strengths. Keep a journal where you note down your successes, no matter how small, and the qualities that helped you achieve them. This practice will reinforce your self-worth and bolster your confidence.

As you begin to assert your independence, not everyone will appreciate the changes you are making. Developing resilience against negative feedback is crucial:

Expect Resistance: Understand that changes in your behavior may be met with resistance. People are often uncomfortable with change, especially if it affects their expectations or comfort.

Constructive Feedback Only: Learn to differentiate between constructive criticism and attempts at control. Embrace feedback that helps you grow while ignoring negative comments that aim to pull you back into old patterns.

Visualize Success: Use visualization techniques to imagine yourself confidently handling scenarios where you previously felt controlled by others. See yourself speaking up, choosing freely, and feeling satisfied with your decisions. This mental rehearsal prepares you to act confidently in real life.

Identifying Your Wants and Needs

To firmly establish a path forward that is free of external control, you must clearly define what you want from your life. This clarity will guide your decisions and help you set boundaries that align with your true self.

List Your Priorities: Start by listing what matters most to you, be it career advancement, family, personal growth, or creativity. Understanding these priorities can help you make decisions that resonate with and support your true desires.

Set Personal Goals: Based on your priorities, set short and long-term goals that are tailored to your needs and aspirations. These goals should reflect what you truly want, not what others expect of you.

Maintaining Independence

Consistently enforcing your new boundaries and decisions is key to maintaining independence and ensuring you do not revert to old patterns of external control.

Regular Self-Check-ins: Regularly review your goals and the boundaries you’ve set for yourself. Are you staying true to your decisions, or are you slipping back under others’ influence?

Seek Supportive Relationships: Surround yourself with people who respect your personal freedom and encourage your autonomy. A supportive network can significantly bolster your ability to stay true to yourself.


Breaking free from the control of others is a liberating journey towards self-discovery and genuine happiness. It requires courage, resilience, and a steadfast commitment to your personal values and desires.

By building inner confidence, identifying your wants, and developing a tough skin against criticism, you can establish a life that truly reflects who you are. Remember, taking control of your life is about prioritizing your happiness and well-being above all else. Embrace your freedom, and enjoy the journey to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Embracing Your DIVA Within: Expressing Your Dynamic, Intriguing, Vivacious, & Authentic Self

Breaking free from external control is a crucial step toward embracing the full spectrum of your personality—all the Dynamic, Intriguing, Vivacious, and Authentic aspects that help you to embody the DIVA within. Here are some practical suggestions to help you express these aspects of your personality, enhancing your personal freedom and self-expression.

Recognizing and Expressing the Dynamic Aspect

  • Embrace Change: Actively seek new experiences and challenges that push you out of your comfort zone. This dynamic approach to life fuels growth and self-discovery.
  • Be Proactive: Don’t wait for opportunities; create them. Your dynamic nature is best expressed when you take initiative and drive your own success.

Exploring Your Intriguing Side

  • Cultivate Curiosity: Always ask questions and seek to learn more. An intriguing personality is well-rounded and informed.
  • Share Your Insights: Use platforms like blogs, social media, or community groups to share what you learn and think. This not only strengthens your intriguing nature but also invites engagement from others.

Celebrating Your Vivacious Self

  • Engage Enthusiastically: Participate fully in life’s activities. Let your vivacious spirit shine by being present and energetic in all your interactions.
  • Spread Positivity: Your vivacious energy is contagious. Use it to uplift others, making your social circle a happier place.

Embodying Your Authentic Self

  • Stay True to Your Values: Make decisions that align with your core beliefs. An authentic life is a life lived in harmony with your principles.
  • Express Yourself Fully: Don’t hold back your thoughts or feelings. Authenticity means being true to yourself in all your expressions.


Recognizing and encouraging each aspect of your DIVA personality enhances your ability to live freely and authentically. Embrace these qualities, and watch as you enrich your life and inspire those around you to embrace their true selves.

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About the Author Dianne M Daniels

Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, and currently residing in Norwich, Connecticut, Dianne M. Daniels' mission is to empower women 50+ to Amplify their Self-Confidence, Deepen their Self-Knowledge, Inspire Creativity, and Glide into the next phase of their lives with the Power of Journaling, Affirmations, and Assessments.

You can learn how to use these time-tested, proven practices to create and manifest the life you want (and deserve) to live.

Dianne is an ordained Unitarian Universalist Minister with a Master of Divinity degree from Starr King School for the Ministry. She's an avid reader, a lover of old houses (she renovated an 1850s vintage Greek Revival home with her family) and has been journaling since the age of 9.

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