My path in life is clearer when I maintain an inner spiritual connection.
Spirituality is a journey that brings incomparable peace to my life and I endeavor to remain on this journey throughout the course of each day, no matter what that day brings my way.
I take a few moments each morning to close my eyes and do some soul-searching, deep thinking, and connecting with spirit / divinity / God / my greater purpose. I am honest with myself and look within to see if the person I want to be is the image I portray.
When I realize I have been untrue to my beliefs, I immediately recommit to them and adjust my whole mindset.
When I engage in spiritual quiet time, I experience peace, clarity, and serenity, along with quiet confidence that allows me to deal with demanding situations in stride.
The spiritually authentic balance I work towards empowers me to feel like a complete person – connected to something larger than myself that empowers me to live authentically. That balance encourages me to feel like I have whatever I need to make me happy. By affirming this balance, I focus on fulfillment instead of lacking and cultivate an authentic appreciation for the blessings in my life.
My spiritual connection helps me create an environment of peace wherever I go.
When others come to me for help with their challenges, I empower them to overcome their challenges by encouraging them to deepen their faith. I bolster their intention by helping them to take their hardships to prayer, meditation, or another positive method that helps them resolve their difficulties.
I am confident the right answer is what comes to mind for me to share with them by the power of positive intention and my connection to my spirituality. I listen for guidance and assistance and encourage them to turn to their own spirituality by sharing my experiences.
Today, I rely on my spiritual connection to guide me through the difficulties of life.
I realize my spiritual connection is a necessary part of my existence, and I like the direction my life takes when I am whole and grounded in spirit.