I'm blessed to receive emails from the inspirational and educational company known as DailyOM (HTTP://dailyom.com) and have been for years, beginning with my mother receiving their printed inspirational booklet, Daily Word. Ultimately, you are the one. We spend a lot of our lives looking for role models and teachers to guide us on our path. There is nothing wrong with this and, in fact, finding the right person at the right time can really help. We carry within us everything we need to know to make progress on the path to self-realization. The outer world serves as a mirror, and our inner world has a magnetic force that draws to us what we need to evolve to the next level. All we need to do to see that we already have everything we need is to let go of the belief that we need to seek in order to find. Most of us know that getting what we want only makes us happy for a moment, and then the happiness passes until a new object of desire presents itself. Joy can be a permanent aspect of your inner self and does not have to be separate from us at any point - the challenge is to recognize and realize that Joy resides within. That can be the hardest part, realizing that you do not have to travel to find it or imagine that it resides only in the body of another, but it's within you. Having "eyes to see" and "ears to hear" what's within you is definitely a challenge - past experiences that tells us over and over that we are NOT enough, that we are NOT worthy, and can create emotional and spiritual blocks, preventing us from seeing what's within us. Setting yourself free from these blocks and past challenges is critically important to your ability to move forward into a new, spiritually authentic future. In fact, what the best teachers will do is point out that this very precious elixir is something we CAN possess. |