Spirituality can be defined in many ways, but at its core, it involves identifying and upholding values that are important to you. Living according to those authentic values produces consistency in your life - your responses to any situation you face in your daily life are predicted by what you value.

When you commit to exploring and deepening your spirituality, you develop deeper reservoirs of honesty in your life, clearing your mind of doubt and stress. Building (or re-building) your spiritual foundation helps you deal with tough decisions, avoids complicating your life, keeps your actions consistent, and brings you peace. 

Here, you'll find articles and affirmations to help you discern your current spiritual path, start a new path, or to strengthen current positive habits.

Explore, and enjoy!

What you focus on, you create. Setting intentions isn’t just about wishful thinking—it’s about deliberately directing your energy toward what you want. Your thoughts shape your reality, and by focusing on growth, positivity, and action, you build the future you desire. It’s time to stop drifting and start deciding.

Discover the profound benefits of giving freely without expectation. Learn how generosity enhances emotional well-being, strengthens communities, and aligns with Unitarian Universalist values of love and interdependence. Explore small, meaningful ways to give, and embrace generosity as a spiritual practice that transforms both your life and the lives of others.

Your life purpose is a spiritual journey that goes beyond a job title. While some people align their careers with their passions, your calling doesn’t need to pay the bills to remain sacred. By separating your purpose from your income, you can nurture creativity, stability, and joy without unnecessary pressure. Embrace the flexibility to explore multiple callings throughout your life, honoring the evolving nature of your journey. With purpose rooted in Unitarian Universalist values, you create a fulfilling and dynamic life of meaning and growth.

Journaling is a powerful tool for self-worth and spiritual growth, offering a space to visualize dreams, set meaningful goals, and celebrate progress. In this continuation of our transformative journaling series, discover how to align your aspirations with actionable steps while nurturing resilience and a growth mindset. Embrace the spiritual practice of journaling to clarify your purpose, honor your achievements, and create a roadmap to your best self.

We have a variety of experiences each day, and they impact us differently. When you capture your emotions and thoughts about those experiences on paper, it provides you with a snapshot. You can reflect on this to explore previous experiences and what has been changing in your life and make plans for what you would like to change in the future.

Whether you are a religious person or not, you should not ignore the health and state of your spirit. Your spiritual side is important, and you can explore it more deeply with practices like yoga, meditation, and starting a journaling practice.

Personal spirituality is just that: Personal. For this reason, there’s no one-size-fits-all instruction book to take you where you want to go on your inner journey to peace and enlightenment. This also means what works for someone else, even someone close to you like a best friend, parent, or lover might not have the same path you do.

What happens if we stop looking inward…stop trying to do or become what’s in our greatest personal potential to be? You don’t have to become what others want you to be, but denying yourself the possibility of growing your best, most authentic self limits your potential. Without personal spirituality, we lose purpose and perspective.

Religion might be easier to understand if you think of it as an outward expression of your faith journey. It has more to do with what you’re doing to express your beliefs – your practices – and tends to involve contemplation or worship in unison with others.

Spirituality is the inward, personal journey. Someone spiritual seeks a deeper connection with the mysteries of the universe and explores more fully their place within it. Let’s explore further…

Defining personal spirituality might be an impossible task. The word “personal” implies as many definitions as there are people to define it. Consider this: throughout history, man has had a need to believe in something greater than himself, chasing after everything from gods and spirits to dragons and fairies.

With our lives so busy and no end in sight, it’s not always easy to be available for the important things in our lives. Job, family, and social obligation all eat away at our available time – and there never seems to be enough time for everything. As a result, we find ourselves making decisions about how we spend our time that aren’t always good for us.

Spirituality is not a static, unchanging thing. We tend to think that because we’re doing the same things, practicing personal spirituality daily, our inner lives will reflect growth and maturity consistently.

In today’s fast-paced, hurry-up, rush-rush-rush world, it’s easy to neglect your spiritual side and its importance to your life. In our modern age, haven’t we evolved beyond the need for such things?

When seeking a life of completeness and harmony, you absolutely must address the spiritual aspect of your life. Without personal spirituality, you lose purpose, drive, and meaning in your life.

As you explore the world, mature, and define who you authentically are, you can’t help but discover the world of personal spirituality. This is a normal and healthy part of authentic growth and development and involves a journey that will guide you during your life, leading you toward a sense of peace and contentment that can enhance the rest of your life.

There is nothing more beautiful than having found your personal spiritual path. That said, there’s nothing quite so complicated as knowing how to develop it in ways which will constantly challenge you and change you for the better.

Yes, you are a person, of course. But, since you are a person, why can’t you treat yourself the way you treat others?

Our imperfections make life much more interesting. It makes us strive for our individual goals and gives us reasons to live. We stay curious – we perfectly imperfect human beings – because we are not some unrealistic image of “perfection.”

If you don’t feel very inspired right now, the good news is that you can change the way you look at things and, in doing so, you’ll welcome more inspiration into your life.

Fortunately, it can be easier than you think to find a source of inspiration that will motivate you and keep you on the right path toward your goals.

We are overwhelmed by lives that cause us to wear out and forget to stay in the moment and experience gratitude. Journaling can help us be more intentional, begin and remain in a more grounded mindset, and focus on what matters most to us.

Commitment can be defined as the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity – what if instead (or in addition to) a cause or activity, you were dedicated to your own self-development?

Are you searching for deeper, spiritually authentic meaning in your life? You’re not alone; the hectic demands of life in the 21st-century has made many people feel disconnected.

Spiritual wellness and authenticity take effort – stepping out of one’s comfort zone, for certain, and introspection – deep thinking and consideration. Check out these four important steps to make progress on your road to spiritual authenticity and wellness.

Spiritual growth requires preparation just as physical growth does – except that we human beings are “hardwired” for physical growth, while spiritual growth must be intentional.

Each new day provides an opportunity to further develop your own unique definition of spirituality and how you’re going to create and manifest your spiritually authentic life.

If you describe yourself as “Spiritual” but not necessarily religious, you’re in good company – a rising number of people in the U.S. share your feelings. Read on to discover more about how to develop your own unique spirituality with or without religion.

The number of Americans who describe themselves as “spiritual but not religious” is rising, according to a 2017 article from the Pew Research Center. Just over a quarter (27%) of U.S. adults now would describe themselves as “spiritual but not religious”, and that number has risen 8 percentage points in five years.

Sometimes we know we’re about to repeat a mistake, but can’t seem to stop ourselves, Read further for techniques to avoid repeating your mistakes.

Who you are – your Spiritually Authentic Identity – is a powerful force in your life and speaks volumes to others who meet you.

Focusing on your spiritual life might seem like something you can temporarily delay, but doing that on a regular basis makes the neglect become more of a habit, and those can be incredibly hard to break.

A Spiritual Foundation is very much the same for us human beings – what underlying spiritual basis or principles do we build our lives upon? If those principles are not strong, positive, and deep, not anchored in what resonates authentically within your heart and your spirit, the foundation won’t last – it will crumble when a “load” – a stressful situation or a challenge – is put upon it.

I want you to elevate YOURSELF to the level of being devoted to YOU and your Spiritual Growth. Make your Spiritual Growth a priority in your life, from this moment forward.

Try something with me: say the following sentence out loud, loud enough for you to hear your own voice saying it and say it in a way that conveys that you MEAN it. That doesn’t mean you have to yell or sound angry but state it as a fact, with certainty and commitment: I take

In a world of unrealistic expectations, computer-adjusted “reality” and hard-to-spot fakes, stay real. Living a life that’s true to yourself and your values will bring you far greater happiness and fulfillment than trying to accumulate tons of material possessions, false relationships, or devoting your precious time and energy to portraying someone or something that you’re

Our world is driven by material wants and often, spiritual needs take a back seat unless something drastic or catastrophic happens. Paying attention to your spiritual needs ONLY when upheaval occurs shouldn’t be your normal pattern – Tapping into and paying attention to your spiritual state of being is an important step toward living a

I manifest my inner spiritual warrior. The word manifest means to display or show a specific quality or feeling by one’s acts or appearance – in the complicated, crazy and sometimes crazy-making world we live in, we need to display the qualities of a spiritual warrior. Set the clear pattern – encourage the warrior within

I live each day determined to create and manifest a spiritually authentic life. Each new day provides an opportunity to further discover and develop what feeds my soul and feels authentic to my heart. I live each day in such a way that my spirit benefits from my experiences. Building a Spiritually Authentic life includes

It’s no secret to any woman who has lived more than a minute or two that the way women are treated in our society isn’t always fair. The mixed messages we women receive can encourage low self-esteem, challenge our self-confidence, and make it really hard to see what magical and beautiful living beings we truly

Are you searching for deeper spiritual meaning in your life? You’re not alone; the hectic demands of life in the 21st-century has made many people feel disconnected. Perhaps what you need is to establish or deepen a spiritual connection to bring about a sense of balance and completion in your life. Many people confuse spirituality

Spiritual things are those generally concerned with sacred matters or with religion. For something to be considered sacred, it is defined as being connected with God (or the gods), dedicated to a religious purpose and deserving of veneration (great respect or reverence ), or embodying the laws or doctrines of a religion. Within all that

Those that claim to be “spiritual but not religious” account for approximately 27% of the population in the United States according to an April 2017 survey from the Pew Research Center. That’s an increase of 8 percentage points in 5 years and includes men and women, whites, blacks and Hispanics, and people of different ages,

I’m blessed to receive emails from the inspirational and educational company known as DailyOM (HTTP://dailyom.com) and have been for years, beginning with my mother receiving their printed inspirational booklet, Daily Word.Today’s post was inspired by an email I received from DailyOM – the original author is Madisyn Taylor. I’ve added/modified the article with my own
