Regular readers of this blog know that Affirmations are positive statements that help you meet your goals. There are a lot of ways to tap into the power of Affirmations – click HERE to check them out.

closeup photo of gold fountain penAffirmations can be powerful motivators to change your mindset, build positive new habits, and get more of what you want in your life. But did you know that writing down your affirmations can turbocharge them, so you get faster results?

The act of writing your affirmations makes them more tangible and brings them out of your head and into the real world. It doesn’t matter if you type them on your computer, tablet, or phone, or use pen and paper. What counts is the act of writing them down.

Pinning your written affirmations where you will see them often or having them pop up as a reminder on your phone gives them even greater authority and gives you a regular reminder of what you want more of in your life.

Here are three essential steps to turbocharge your transformative affirmations and get the results you want faster.

Step 1: Write your Goal as an Affirmationbrown number 1 graphic

Take some quiet time to really focus on getting your affirmation right for you. Make sure that it aligns with your values and your priorities. Make sure your affirmation is an “I” statement and includes a positive, active verb. If you like, you can include your name to make it a formal commitment to yourself.

For example, you might write “I [first name, second name] am ”

…becoming fitter and healthier

…enjoying going to the gym every day

…stopping smoking

…speaking confidently in public.

Step 2: Keep Writing it Down!

2 wall decorExperts say that repetition is key when practicing affirmations. You must rinse and repeat multiple times a day, regularly and consistently to help build new neural pathways in your brain and rewire your mindset. Writing your affirmations out numerous times a day is even more effective.

When you write, you must focus on what you’re doing; your mind can’t drift as easily as it can when you’re reciting aloud. Writing also helps to keep the affirmation consistent in tone and language. Remember the old game “Telephone?” As the target sentence gets repeated by each person, it changes, so that at the end, it sounds nothing like the original. Writing your affirmations also helps you create them with your natural voice, your tone and vocabulary – they’ll sound like YOU and resonate more strongly.

Commit to writing your affirmation at least ten times a day for it to be most effective. Many people like to start their day this way, or you may prefer to do it on your lunch break or before bed. You can use a journal as a physical reminder of what you want to achieve. Keep it on your night table or your desk with a smooth-writing pen, so it’s there waiting for you.

Step 3: Write Down Your Successesred and black number 3 lighten sigange

It can get a little tough to remember to write down your affirmations every day. As extra encouragement, it helps to write down the successes, big and small, that show that your affirmation practice is working. Being intentional about noticing your successes will help you to see them more easily and help you build your self-confidence.

A success doesn’t have to be a big physical change or a dramatic event to be worthy of writing it down. Success can take the form of a shift in your mindset, an improvement in your language or self-talk, or the fact that you’ve noticed and appreciated something good in your life that previously passed you by.

Before you know it, you’ll have firmly adopted an affirmation, made it part of your authentic self-improvement practice, and be well on your way to success!

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About the Author Dianne Daniels

Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, and now residing in Norwich, Connecticut, Rev. Dianne M. Daniels is passionate about empowering women 35+ to discover their dynamic, inspiring, vibrant, and authentic selves and embrace their unique journeys. Through journaling, affirmations, and spiritual exploration, Dianne helps individuals deepen their self-knowledge, amplify confidence, and transform their lives with intentional purpose.

An ordained Unitarian Universalist Minister with a Master of Divinity from Starr King School for the Ministry, Dianne blends her ministry with her love for personal growth and creative expression. She believes in the transformative power of connection, interdependence, and spirituality to inspire positive change.

Dianne is an avid reader and a lover of historic homes (she renovated an 1850s Greek Revival home with her family). She has been journaling since the age of 9. She invites others to build lives of meaning, joy, and intentional action through her work.

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