Tap into the Power of Positive Affirmations
to change your mindset and your life
(Hint: That's NOT a catch-22.)
Do you want to be more successful, happier, healthier, or experience any of a million other positive results for your efforts? You can TRANSFORM your life...starting today!
Affirmation Transformation is an easy-to-understand and implement system to help you change your mindset & transform your life.

Has the continued stress of "pandemic life" got you feeling lackluster and not at ALL ready to return to "normal" life?
- Struggling to maintain the separation between your work life and your home life - because the work is ALWAYS there, and you can't just "shut the door" on it so easily...
- Investing in technological upgrades and faster internet service so you can ALWAYS be available
- Trying to carve out and maintain an office-ready space in a home that wasn't designed for it - let alone dealing with distractions, noise, and the nearby refrigerator (the "COVID 25" weight gain is a real thing!)
And let's not forget the never-ending negative news cycle with its incessant repetition of unwelcome news, worse news, and even worse news every half hour on the hour the entire day.
The most profound effect I've heard regarding the pandemic is the DRAG on your psyche and your emotions - negative psychological effects including:
- Feelings of fear, anger, sadness, worry, numbness, or frustration
- Changes in appetite, energy, and activity levels (the COVID "20" is a real thing!)
- Difficulty sleeping or nightmares
- Increased use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs
There IS a solution to this pandemic-aggravated set of symptoms and
the unhealthy situation they've forced us all into:
"It all starts with your mind"
Are you ready to reprogram how you think and how you act around what you think? You can change your status quo and your life with Affirmation Transformation.
With this comprehensive report you will:
- Learn how to uncover "big picture' details so you can successfully reach your goals
- Learn how positive affirmations can support and enhance your progress so you can create the life you want, starting on the very first day you put them to work
- Uncover ways to customize your affirmations so they are believable and authentic
- Discover ways to incorporate fun and enjoyable activities with your positive affirmations so that you can experience even greater success
Kick off YOUR positive life transformation with our how-to and training product, PLUS enough affirmations to keep developing your practice for an entire YEAR!
You may be asking:
Why should I use affirmations to transform my life?

Hi, I'm Dianne Daniels!
I'm a Unitarian Universalist Minister, and Course Creator, and I've worked with women in the United States and abroad, empowering them to create and manifest the life they want to lead; changing their "stinkin' thinkin" and taking their first (or next) step on the path to change.
With SO many people having to alter their lives in our brand-new post-pandemic economy drastically, I know folks are struggling.
Everything they know (or used to know) has been thrown up in the air and tossed around.
The relative comfort of the old office routine is GONE - and everyone's behaviors have shifted...
The idea for Affirmation Transformation came to me in the form of several questions I and others have been asking ourselves since the beginning of the pandemic...
What about the people who didn't WANT to stay home? Many corporate workers know that their visibility in the office is critically important to their career health and advancement possibilities - so NOW what was going to happen since they were forced to stay out of the office? What would happen to their hard-won gains and credibility?
What about the people who COULDN'T stay home? Many front-line workers - beyond the obvious categories of law enforcement, medicine, and retail - didn't have a mechanism to work their jobs remotely. Either their jobs weren't set up to perform that way, or even if they were, many employees didn't have a good work-from-home setup with a modern computer or tablet, a printer, and high-speed internet service.
Is it any wonder that the renowned Mayo Clinic listed stress, anxiety, fear, sadness, and loneliness as the most common negative side effects of the pandemic? Add to that list drastically altered daily routines, financial pressures, social isolation, information overload, rumors, technology disconnects, and misinformation, and it's no wonder people's mental states are leaning way into the negative.
Surveys show a major increase in the number of U.S. adults who report symptoms of stress like depression, insomnia, and increased alcohol and drug use - some people think that these substances can help them cope with their fears about the pandemic, but...
Let's be real: those methods really aren't helping. The most they can do is help you "forget" your challenges for a few hours, and then they add more challenges to the list instead of helping you find ways to change your life and resolve your stress.
Surveys show a major increase in the number of U.S. adults who report symptoms of stress like depression, insomnia, and increased alcohol and drug use - some people think that these substances can help them cope with their fears about the pandemic, but...
Let's be real: those methods really aren't helping. The most they can do is help you "forget" your challenges for a few hours, and then they add more challenges to the list instead of helping you find ways to change your life and resolve your stress.
We could all use a positivity boost right now, and we can all benefit from a strategy that ensures the benefits don't just last for a few minutes, or a few days, but that shows us how to achieve the results repeatedly in every area of our lives, for years to come.
So, I asked myself two questions:
"How can I help people change their thought patterns and take focused, positive action to start throwing off the negative emotional baggage of the pandemic...in 7 to 14 days...especially right now, when so many people need it the most?"
...I didn't ask "How can I help them adjust to the new uses of technology?" That can take a few months and a sizeable investment of time and money.
...I didn't ask "How can I help them start a business they can work from home?" That can take months - including research, finding the right target industry, and gearing up with service or product offerings - just to name a few.
"How can I help people keep their spirits up and lessen the impact of so many life-shifting changes in a short amount of time?"
I thought it over for a while, then I circled back to what I know best...
A strategy I've been using for YEARS...
A strategy to clear out negative energy and turn my thoughts from "poor me" to "I've GOT This" so anyone willing to put in consistent effort can initiate positive changes in their lives.
SUPER fast.
Like, less-than-30-days-and-you-see-and-feel-results fast.
The strategy I teach inside Affirmation Transformation is the same one I used to help myself get onto a positive mental and emotional track during some of the toughest periods of my life:
- When I ended my first marriage after less than a year because my then-husband walked out on our infant son and I
- When I was diagnosed with diabetes at 43 and was told that because of damage to my bone density, I would lose all my natural teeth and be forced to wear dentures
- When I was told that because of the COVID pandemic, my in-person, two-year ministerial internship would now be Virtual, something I had NOT trained or studied for....

It's the same strategy I used to maintain and improve my self-esteem and self-confidence and handle the major changes I had to learn to live with and adjust to.
All of which paved the way to the successful completion of my internship, the development of a thriving entrepreneurial ministry, and to the happier, more productive life I have today.
It's the same strategy that motivational speakers like Anthony Robbins and Deepak Chopra have used to make millions writing about positivity, and which has empowered them to do an excellent job and help to transform people's lives.
It's the same strategy used by people who couldn't run a successful business and then transformed their company within a brief period after changing their way of thinking.
And it's the same strategy I've now taught to dozens of people in my community and beyond.
Now, I want to teach it to YOU.
You're so welcome. *grin*
"Ok Dianne, but...what IS Affirmation Transformation?"
Affirmation Transformation is a custom-designed, 6-Step Strategy and System that teaches you how to learn and use the power of Positive Affirmations to Transform your life.
Affirmation Transformation gives you the background and the tools to make the most of your affirmations and to amplify their positive effect on your life.
Each step helps you to see clearly what your life contains now, identify the changes you want and need to make, and use the time-tested and proven wisdom of Affirmations to start your journey. You'll learn how to use "standard" affirmations to get you started, and how to customize them to fit your life, your personality, your dreams, and your goals.
There is no one exactly like you - and your affirmations may not look like anyone else's either - and that's OK!

Inside Affirmation Transformation...
You'll receive instant access to a PDF containing:
- Focused articles on how to uncover big picture details, set the stage for success, and how to turn possibility into probability
- Details on Affirmation and Statement types - positive and negative
- Sources and Confirmations for Affirmations
- How to write and edit Affirmations
- How to use Affirmations Effectively
- Powerful Practices to boost your results
- How to use Learning Styles to customize implementation of your Affirmations

And last, but certainly not least - 365 different Affirmations including:
Confidence & Self-Esteem | Relationships & Love |
Prosperity & Abundance | Motivation and Encouragement |
Work & Career | Peace & Happiness |
Health |

Who is Affirmation Transformation for, and what's in it for you?
Affirmation Transformation is right for any - yes, any - individual who is ready to change their life and move beyond what WAS to what CAN be - especially if the COVID pandemic has thrown your plans for your future into an uproar. My target customers are primarily on women, but Affirmation Transformation will work for any person who wants to change for the better.
Business Owners:
Creating and applying Affirmation Transformation to your life will pay dividends for your business, no matter what you sell and where you sell it.
Your products and services solve problems - but what if your mindset and your emotions aren't working FOR you, but instead working AGAINST you?
The Affirmation Transformation process will help you align your purpose, your energy and your drive and help you make the next right move.
Corporate Employees:
COVID threw corporate culture into a blender - was your company clear and focused about their policies, or were they "playing it by ear" - and what effect did that have on YOU?
Was 'work from home' something you wanted and looked forward to, or was it a source of stress and confusion?
Your mindset took a beating during COVID - uncertainty and fear can do that. Now it's time to set yourself on a path to positivity and transform your future with Affirmation Transformation.
Stay-at-Home &
Freelance Workers:
You can work from home, and you were already adjusted to that, but COVID hit, and your normal escape outlets - the gym, social clubs, movies, going out for a walk, hanging out with friends - were taken away from you.
You became, to a degree, a hermit - staying indoors to stay safe medically...but what about your mental state?
Use the wisdom inside Affirmation Transformation to help you regain your positive footing and move forward in our forever-changed world.
Why the urgency, Dianne?
Here's the thing:
Things are not "business as usual" - in fact, we're STILL hearing about new COVID variants, rising numbers of persons affected by "long COVID", the onset of FLU season, and people who STILL aren't vaccinated and don't seem to understand it's importance.
Even as things have started opening back up, and we don't want to end up going backwards, it's going to be a while longer before things return to "normal" - IF they ever do!
No one alive today has gone through what we're all experiencing right now, and no single individual has the monopoly on how to perfectly handle this uncertain situation.
BUT here are a few things that are certain:
Life is moving on - changed, revamped, unfamiliar - but moving on.
You have the same problems that you had before the pandemic - and a few more - they weigh on your heart, mind, and spirit...and you deserve a way to get that weight up off you.
You have to take action...move in a positive direction...but where do you start?
You're ready to change your negative thought patterns into positive ones...
If that's where you are, I want to help you.