gray road between green grass field under cloudy sky during daytime

Commitment can be defined as the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity – what if instead (or in addition to) a cause or activity, you were dedicated to your own self-development?

You deserve to be the focus of your own efforts – you deserve the dedication of your own energy, intelligence and personal power to help you create and manifest the life you WANT to lead.

Being committed to something – I suggest to yourself – means that you’re working to get from the current state to a future state, and no matter what obstacles appear, you’re determined to keep moving forward, keep getting better and stronger – realizing your human and spiritual potential.

Growth can be uncomfortable, but it is absolutely necessary – and it begins with being committed to the idea of growth, then to taking focused, positive action to make that growth happen.

What do you want to change in your life? What do you want more of, to be better at, to develop greater strength and capacity for?

Start now to plan your next moves – begin with baby steps, positive steps, where you put one foot in front of the other as you walk toward what you want MORE of in your life, and walk AWAY from what you want to leave behind.

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About the Author Dianne Daniels

Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, and currently residing in Norwich, Connecticut, Dianne M. Daniels' mission is to empower women 50+ to Amplify their Self-Confidence, Deepen their Self-Knowledge, Inspire Creativity, and Glide into the next phase of their lives with the Power of Journaling, Affirmations, and Assessments.

You can learn how to use these time-tested, proven practices to create and manifest the life you want (and deserve) to live.

Dianne is an ordained Unitarian Universalist Minister with a Master of Divinity degree from Starr King School for the Ministry. She's an avid reader, a lover of old houses (she renovated an 1850s vintage Greek Revival home with her family) and has been journaling since the age of 9.

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